การจัดการชุมชนเศรษฐกิจพอเพียง : กรณีศึกษาหมู่บ้านคาปลาหลาย ตาบลบ้านดง อาเภออุบลรัตน์ จังหวัดขอนแก่น Sufficiency Economy – Community Management: A Case Study of Kham Pla Lai Village, Tambol Ban Dong, Amphur Ubonrat, Khon Kaen Province


  • Phaisal Naowavathong ไพศาล เนาวะวาทอง
  • Tawadchai Suppadit ธวัชชัย ศุภดิษฐ์


The purpose of this qualitative study was to indentify methods, factors, and solutions to the problems and obstacles to sustainability of Sufficiency Economy at Kham Pla Lai Village, Tambol Ban Dong, Amphur Ubonrat, Khon Kaen Province. Documentary research was conducted and in – depth interview of 5 community leaders i.e. ex-village headman, village headman, housewife group chairman, village committee and guru, were used to collect the data.The result of the study was that previously, the villagers in Kham Pla Lai Village were faced with poverty and poor weather condition. They could earn their income once a year from rice farming and tapioca planting. The villagers were engaged in traditional agriculture i.e., growing mono crops, which caused problem such deteriorated soil, low productivity and low income. To solve the problem, the community leaders got together and finally decided to apply the philosophy of Sufficiency Economy in the community. Finally, their efforts made Kham Pla Lai Village vigorous community and sustainable.




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