The Minority Group Management Strategy In Local Development for the Sustainable Human Security : A Case Study Of the Burmese Labor Group In the Upper Southern Province Of Thailand 2013, AD.

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นิรุตติ สุทธินนท์
ธัญยธรณ์/กนลา สุขพานิช-ขันทปราบ


The objectives of this research are 1) To study the minority group management strategy in local development for the sustainable of human security : A case study of the burmese labor groups in the upper southern provinces of Thailand 2) To study Leadership in local development for the sustainable of human security in the upper southern provinces of Thailand (Chumporn, Ranong, and Pang Nga provinces). 3) To present a Model of the minority group management strategy in local development for the Sustainable of Human Security in the upper southern Provinces of Thailand (Chumporn, Ranong, Pang-Nga Provinces). This study employed a Qualitative research from in-depth interviews of 41 people. The Quantitative research used a meticulous questionnaire sampling from 450 people.

1) The Minority group management strategy in local development for the sustainable of human Security : A case study of the Burmese Labor Groups in the upper southern provinces of Thailand (Chumporn, Ranong, Pang-Nga) was the main point of the labor group management which focused on the Nation State Security by using a system that controlled illegal labor groups who entered Thailand. This Lead to complicated regulations and led to the increase of the illegal invaders and human trafficking.

2)  In terms of Human security leadership, to achieve the goal, the research found that trust was a must to be created in order to get strong beliefs and acceptance among members to their leader.

3)  The Model of human security leadership research was done by using management strategies from the Burmese labor groups in the upper southern provinces for the sustainable development in local areas. From the past to the present the model should move from “The Superior-Inferior, Unfriendly Racial Relationship” To “The More Humane Equitable Mutual Livelihood”

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How to Cite
สุทธินนท์ น., & สุขพานิช-ขันทปราบ ธ. (2014). The Minority Group Management Strategy In Local Development for the Sustainable Human Security : A Case Study Of the Burmese Labor Group In the Upper Southern Province Of Thailand 2013, AD. Journal of Industrial Education, 13(2), 183–190. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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