Indoor Air Quality in Air-Conditioning Bedrooms

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ธนิต จินดาวณิค


This research had an objective to study carbon dioxide gas accumulating in air-conditioned bedrooms without mechanical ventilation in houses since they were occupied in an air-conditioning stage for a long period. The methodology of the study was investigation in actual ten occupied houses. A scientific instrument was installed to measure hourly carbon dioxide level during occupation under air-conditioning stage. It was found that after two to three hours of occupation the carbon dioxide level reached over 1,000-1,100 ppm. At this point it was considered that the ventilation of those rooms were not enough. In cases of two, three and four occupants in bedrooms the carbon dioxide levels could reach 1,900 ppm, 2178 ppm and 2,665 ppm accordingly. These carbon dioxide levels had impact to occupants’ health. Therefore ventilation, bringing outside fresh air, in air-conditioned bedrooms was necessary.

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