Improving Multiple-Beds Wards Ventilation Using a Hybrid Technique for Airborne Infection Control

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โอ๊ก ศรนิล
ชนิกานต์ ยิ้มประยูร
ภัทรนันท์ ทักขนนท์


The objective of this research was to make a guideline for improving the ventilation of existing multiple-bed wards for infection control. This research used an air flow simulated experiment through a computational fluid dynamic program. The study looked at 3 existing buildings located in the north, south, and west because of poor ventilation. Eight natural wind directions flow through the building (wind speed 2 m/s). There are three types of building ventilation design: 1) Non fan-assisted ventilation, 2) fixed direction fan-assisted ventilation, 3) Wind direction related fan-assisted ventilation. The results showed that, the average air change per hour increased by 4.69 ACH for fixed direction fan-assisted ventilation. However, average air change per hour increased by 6.41 ACH for wind direction related fan-assisted ventilation. Mechanical devices flow direction should be designed in relation to natural wind direction to reduce the risk of infections.

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