Formal and Non-formal Education Centers’ Managements with Creative Learning In Muang District, Roi Et Province

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ภาสกร ชมภูบุตร
ดร.จำนง กมลศิลป์
ดร.อุทัย กมลศิลป์


                  The Objectives of the research article were to 1) study formal and non-formal education centers’ managements with creative learning in Roi Et province’s Muang district, 2) to compare their managements with creative learning in the preceding district with teachers’ statuses and working experiences. Samples were 54 teachers working for formal and non-formal education centers in Roi Et province’s Muang district. The research instrument was the rating scale questionnaire. Statistics used for data analyzes comprised frequencies, percentages, standard deviations and f-tests.

                  Results of the research findings: 1) Teachers’ managements with creative learning of formal and non-formal education centers in the above district have been rated at the high scale in the overall aspect. When taking each one into consideration, they have been found that i) the highest scale aspect is planning learning managements, while the lower ones are providing learning services, holding learning activities, creating learning networks, whereby the lowest one is promoting and supporting communal, social, cultural and traditional activities. 2) Comparative results of their managements with creative learning of formal and non-formal education centers in the same district have confirmed that teachers’ statuses and working experiences show no differences their managements in both the overall aspect and a single one. As a result, they are not in conformity with the set hypotheses.

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How to Cite
ชมภูบุตร ภ., กมลศิลป์ ด., & กมลศิลป์ ด. (2017). Formal and Non-formal Education Centers’ Managements with Creative Learning In Muang District, Roi Et Province. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 7(2), 1–10. Retrieved from
Research Article


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