Teaching - Assingned Teachers’ Satisfaction with Educational Supervision Inside School of 7th Hua Chang Phuak Network Center under Roi Et Elementary Education Service Area Office 2

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พรพรรณ ศรีราตรี
ดร.จิราภรณ์ ผันสว่าง
รองศาสตราจารย์ ดร.สุเทพ เมยไธสง


                  The objectives of the research were: 1) to study the teachers’ satisfaction with  the teaching supervision in the schools attached to the Seventh Network Center of Hua Chang Phuak under the jurisdiction of the Office of Primary Education Service, Roi Et Area 2,  2) to compare the teachers’ attitude toward the teaching supervision in the said schools, classified by gender, age and  size of the schools where they are teaching,  and 3) to find out the related suggestions and recommendations. The samples were 127 teachers in the schools as mentioned who were selected via the means of simplistic sampling based on the Krejcie and Morgan table. The five-rating scale questionnaire comprising thirty-five items in number was used as a tool to collect the data, with its content validity in the range of 0.67 – 1.00 and its reliability at 0.75. The statistical devices used for data analysis consisted of Frequency, Percentage, Mean (), S.D., t – test (Independent Samples) and F–test               (One–way ANOVA).

                  The research results were as follows:

                  1) The teachers’ satisfaction with  the teaching supervision in the schools attached to the 7th. of Hua Chang Phuak under the jurisdiction of the Office of Primary Education Service, Roi Et Area 2, was found, in both overall and individual aspects, to exist at the ‘MUCH’ level. The item that stood on top of the scale was the aspect of control, superintendence and monitoring, followed by that of assessment and evaluation and the supervision leadership.

                  2) The comparison of the teachers’ satisfaction with the teaching supervision in the schools in mention, classified by gender, age and school size was found to feature no statistically significant difference.

                   3) The recommendations suggested by the correspondents were the following: (1) As for the planning, the meeting on the teaching supervision should be held perpetually to collect the proposals proposed by all parties concerned so that the task would be pushed towards the goal set. (2) As for the organization chart and operation standards, the activities should be co-hosted by the schools and the adjacent communities to win their cooperation and acquire variety of opinions for improvement of teaching procedures. (3) The leadership required the executives to bring into practice the student-centered educational theory, and the teachers to ask for the learners’ needs either directly from the learners themselves or from the surrounding communities so that the study plan would meet with the learners’ demands. (4) Continuous and frequent control, superintendence and monitoring should be done in order to improve the school’s evaluation competency and take an urgent action to solve any defection in case it was found. (5) As regards the examination and test, the executive was required to meet with the teaches in order to inform and guide them about how to manage examination and test along with the rules and regulations concerned as well as the curriculum in use.

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How to Cite
ศรีราตรี พ., ผันสว่าง ด., & เมยไธสง ร. ด. (2018). Teaching - Assingned Teachers’ Satisfaction with Educational Supervision Inside School of 7th Hua Chang Phuak Network Center under Roi Et Elementary Education Service Area Office 2. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 7(2), 168–178. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/AJMBU/article/view/196672
Research Article


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