The Role of Institutions in Political Socialization to Thai People

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พิเชฐ ศรีหล้า


                  This article needs to be presented, How important is the role of social institutions in politicizing the Thai people? Thailand's political reform and development have failed. Because social institutions that function in political purity do not perform their full functions. Distortions or misunderstandings about their role in political purification. Politicization of social institutions is likely to decline in terms of quality and quantity. This may be due to the rapid change and rapid growth of the Thai society. The political and economic oppression prevails for all people to survive. Impact on political purification of social institutions originally aimed at building civil society. For political reform and development, we have successfully developed around the world. Covering all structures and all sectors. It is desirable that the social institutions rethink their role in political purification. Should not be a political tool and victim of economic pressure and oppression. Social institutions are important units in the process of polishing or producing citizenship to the nation. To reform and develop into a civilized politics.

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How to Cite
ศรีหล้า พ. (2018). The Role of Institutions in Political Socialization to Thai People. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 7(2), 246–255. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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