Residents’ Satisfaction With Public Service Rendered at Tambon Chaturaphak Phiman Municipality in Chaturaphak Phiman District, Roi Et Province

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จารุวรรณ ละอองเอก
ดร.สุวัฒน์ จิตต์จันทร์


                  his thematic paper served the purposes: 1) to explore residents’ satisfaction with officials’ public services rendered at Tambon Chaturaphak Phiman Municipality’s Office in Chaturaphak Phiman district of Roi Et province, 2) to compare the former’s satisfaction with the latter’s public services rendered at its office to variables of the former’s genders, ages and occupations, and 3) to examine the latter’s suggestions for enhancing the latter’s public services rendered at its office. Samples comprised 343 residents aged eighteen years onward, residing in the authorized area of their municipality. The research instrument was the five-rating scale questionnaire with thirty-five questions, each of which possessed its reliability at 0.98. Statistics used for the research included percentage, frequency, mean, standard deviation, t-test and F-test by making use of the computer software package.

                   Results of the research reveal the following findings: 1) Residents’ satisfaction with officials’ public services rendered here has been rated at the high scale in the overall aspect, as has in a single one of all aspects taken into consideration. Placing each aspect in descending order of its mean, they are: i) improving basic infrastructures, ii) preserving natural resources and environments, iii) organizing community and social orders and retaining peace. 2) The hypothesis testing results have found that variables of the former’s genders, ages and occupations show no significant differences in their satisfaction with the latter’s public services rendered at its office in both the overall aspect and a single one.     3) The former’s suggestions for their former’s satisfaction with the latter’s public services rendered at its office are that the municipality should: preserve and rehabilitate natural resources and environments to sustain abundant biodiversity and prevent them from various pollutions, develop qualities of children’s, the young’s, women’s,  the extreme poor’s, and the less fortunate’s lives, and develop body groups of populations to be supreme as to promote qualities of their lives they require.

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How to Cite
ละอองเอก จ., & จิตต์จันทร์ ด. (2017). Residents’ Satisfaction With Public Service Rendered at Tambon Chaturaphak Phiman Municipality in Chaturaphak Phiman District, Roi Et Province. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 7(1), 47–59. Retrieved from
Research Article


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