Personnel Administration Based on the Principles of Good Governance by Administrators of the Personnel Administration At Roi Et Office of Informal and Life-Long Education Promotion

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นฤมล พลชื่อ
ดร.จำนง กมลศิลป์
ดร.อุทัย กมลศิลป์


                  The purposes of this thematic paper were aimed : 1) to enable study of the opinions of teachers and education personnel towards personal management according to the principles of good governance of the Executive Bureau of education and educational system individually in Roi Et province, 2) to compare the level of personal management according to the principles of good governance of the Executive Bureau of education and educational system individually in Roi Et province, according to the opinions of teachers and education personnel with gender, age, and duration of work and 3) to gather feedback on the administration development guidelines based on the principles of good governance of the Executive Bureau of education and educational system individually in Roi Et province the sample include teachers teacher education and educational system individually assigned number 216 provincial people, for instance by using a calculation formula of the Hakone Garden Yamaguchi (Taro Yamane) Tools used in research is the scale estimates the five levels. Valuable confidence (Reliability) full equal to 0.94, statistics that are used in the data analysis include frequency (Frequency), percentage (Percentage) Average (Mean) standard deviation (Standard Deviation) , and statistical tests include: (t-test) one way ANOVA test (One-way ANOVA F-t-test).

                  The research’s results were found as follows: 1) the opinions of teachers and education personnel towards personal management according to the principles of good governance of the Executive Bureau of education and educational system individually. Et on many levels, respectively, when sorted in descending order as follows: Aspects of the rule of law, ethics, core side side. the transparency aspects, the main engagement, the main responsible sides side core. 2) The results of hypothesis testing showed that personnel with different sex, age, and working conditions had different opinions on the administration of personnel according to good governance principles of the Office of Non-Formal and Informal Education Roi Et province as a whole and in all respects were not significantly different. And 3) the management should have a more transparent and appropriate staffing process. The personnel should have the opportunity to express their views on the appropriate procedures for the appropriate agency. And the executives should adhere to the principles of integrity, honesty, support the development of personnel more thoroughly.

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How to Cite
พลชื่อ น., กมลศิลป์ ด., & กมลศิลป์ ด. (2017). Personnel Administration Based on the Principles of Good Governance by Administrators of the Personnel Administration At Roi Et Office of Informal and Life-Long Education Promotion. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 7(1), 107–118. Retrieved from
Research Article


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