Residents’ Participation in Drawing up Three-Year-Development Plans of Tambon Phanamyoi Administrative Organization in Nong Phok District, Roi Et Province

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เกียรติคุณ จุลมณี
ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ ดร.สมเกียรติ เกียรติเจริญ
ดร.สุวัฒน์ จิตต์จันทร์


                  The purposes of this thematic paper were: 1) to study residents’ participation in drawing up three-year-development plans of Tambon Phanamyoi Administrative Organization in Nong Phok, Roi Et province, 2) compare their participation in drawing up its development plans to variables of their gender, ages and educational levels, and 3) to regulate suggestions for their participation in drawing up its development plans. The sampling group, based on Taro Yamane’s formula, comprised 326 people as the head of households or representatives from 13 villages in the aforesaid organization’s authorized area. The data collection instrument was five rating scale questionnaires of twenty questions, possessing the reliability for them at 0.90. The statistics exploited for data analyses encompassed percentage, mean and standard deviation, comparing differences in means by way of t-test and F-test (One-way ANOVA).

                  Outcomes of the research manifested the following findings: 1) Residents’ participation in drawing up three-year-development plans of Tambon Phanamyoi Administrative Organization in Nong Phok, Roi Et province was comprehensively rated ‘more’. Individually, four aspects were similarly scored. All aspects ranked in descending orders of means embraced those of: 1) participation in carrying out operations, 2) participation in decision-making, 3) participation in problematic proposals, and 4) participation in follow-up and assessment of its projects respectively. 2) The hypothesis testing results indicated that variables of residents’ genders showed significant differences in their participation in drawing up its development plans, thereby conforming to the reformulated hypotheses. By contrast, variables of their genders and educational levels proved otherwise, thus refusing the reformulated hypotheses. 3) Their suggestions for participation in drawing up its development plans were recommended in descending orders of three frequencies that the organization should: i) give people the opportunity to propose the problems of communities in the community arena increasingly, ii) give people the opportunity to participate in deciding the activities or project plan independently, iii) give people the public relations to participate in training program such as career training and saving group training, etc. held by the said organization.

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How to Cite
จุลมณี เ., เกียรติเจริญ ผ. ด., & จิตต์จันทร์ ด. (2018). Residents’ Participation in Drawing up Three-Year-Development Plans of Tambon Phanamyoi Administrative Organization in Nong Phok District, Roi Et Province. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 7(1), 176–186. Retrieved from
Research Article


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