An Application of the four Principles of Sangagavatthu to Customer Service of the Roi Et Transport office, Phon Thong District Branch

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สุวันนา คำบุศย์
ดร.ไพรัช พื้นชมภู


          This thematic paper served the purposes: 1) to study service recipients’ opinions on an application of four bases of Buddhism’s social solidarity to rendering customer services at Roi Et Transport Office’s Phon Thong District Branch, 2) to draw comparisons between their opinions on the application as such, and variables of their different genders, ages, educational backgrounds and occupations, and 3) to examine their suggestions for applying four bases of Buddhism’s social solidarity at the preceding office. Populations employed for the research were 550 service recipients, setting the sampling groups through Taro Yamane’s table, and earning the sampling groups of 232 subjects. The instrument used for the research was the five-rating scale questionnaires in which the whole questions possessed the reliability at 0.93. The statistics utilized for data analyses encompassed: frequencies, percentages, means, standard deviations, and t-tests (One-way ANOVA).

          Research findings have found the following results. 1) The application of four bases of Buddhism’s social solidarity to rendering customer services at Roi Et Transport Office’s Phon Thong District Branch have been rated ‘high’ in the overall aspect. In terms of a single aspect taken into consideration, it has had the same scale in four aspects. All of them placed in the descending order of means have constituted: buildings and premises, serviced personnel, service facilitation, and equal services respectively. 2) The hypothesis testing results have proven similar opinions on application as such at its Phon Thong district branch, which are not conducive to the established hypotheses. 3) Service recipients have suggested applying its four bases of social solidarity in the descending order of first three frequencies that service personnel ought to apply one of four bases, i.e. even and equal treatment’ (samanattata) to rendering services to every service recipients in order to: process documents in each step at much shorter time, considerably render fair and equal services, and let service personnel be extensively willing and hospitable to render their services.

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How to Cite
คำบุศย์ ส., & พื้นชมภู ด. (2018). An Application of the four Principles of Sangagavatthu to Customer Service of the Roi Et Transport office, Phon Thong District Branch. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 8(2), 69–77. Retrieved from
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