Leadership to the Four Principles of Sangahavatthu in KhonKaen Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Mueang District, Roi Et Province

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วิสิทธิ์ ขจรภพ
ดร.ไพรัช พื้นชมภู


            The thematic paper served the purposes: 1) to study applications of four Buddhism’s principles of social solidarity (Sangahavatthu) to personnel administrations at Khon Kaen Sub-district Administrative Organization in Mueang district of Roi Et province, 2) to draw comparisons between applications as such and sampling groups’ different genders, ages and educational levels, and 3) to examines their suggestions for enhancing their such applications to its personnel administrations. The sampling groups employed for conducting the research comprised 71 personnel working for the aforesaid administrative organization, setting the required number through Taro Yamane’ table. The instrument used for eliciting data was the five-rating scale questionnaire with each of question possessing the reliability at 0.93. Statistics used for data analyses encompassed: frequencies, percentages, means, standard deviations, t-tests, and F-tests (One-way ANOVA).

            Research findings have found the following outcomes. 1) Their applications of four principles of Buddhism’s social solidarity to personnel administrations at the above administrative organization have been rated at the high scales, as has each of four aspects taken into considerations. Of all aspects ranked in the descending order of means, they constituted fair services, timely rapid services, sufficient services, and successive services respectively. 2) The hypothesis testing results have revealed that their applications based on their different genders, ages and educational levels show no significant differences in both the overall aspect and a single one, thereby not being conducive to the establish hypotheses. 3) Their suggestions for applying four principles of Buddhism’s social solidarity in the descending order of first three frequencies for rendering services are that the organization ought to promote such applications to let personnel regularly pay much more successive attention to their services, exert their continual assiduities and patience, and offer timely rapid services.

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How to Cite
ขจรภพ ว., & พื้นชมภู ด. (2018). Leadership to the Four Principles of Sangahavatthu in KhonKaen Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Mueang District, Roi Et Province. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 8(2), 1–9. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/AJMBU/article/view/228715
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