Identity of Peacock dance in ASEAN

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ธนสิทธิ์ ชมชิด


This research aims to study the composition and the identity of the Peacock dance in ASEAN.  The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has 10 member countries consisting of Nation of Brunei, Kingdom of Cambodia, Republic of Indonesia, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Republic of the Union of Myanmar, Republic of the Philippines, Republic of Singapore, Kingdom of Thailand, and Socialist Republic of Vietnam.  The findings identify 6 countries from 10 countries had the peacock dance, viz., Kingdom of Cambodia, Republic of Indonesia, Malaysia, Republic of the Union of Myanmar, Kingdom of Thailand, and Socialist Republic of Vietnam.  The research methodology is study from textbooks and related research, observation and analysis.

            The results revealed that have the Peacock dance in ASEAN, 6 countries from 10 countries can be divided into 6 elements as follows: 1) Musical composition, mostly the music instruments type is Percussion Instruments.  The rhythm and the melody of the Peacock dance in ASEAN is fast and make the audience feel fun.  2) Performers composition, Peacock role in the performance is none identified the gender and no other characteristic role appearances.  3) Costume composition, the costumes design from peacock feature, especially the green color.  4) Props composition, by lot, not apply the props.  5) Dancing role style composition, dancing role style especially bird (peacock) characteristic included walking, flying, pecking, and courting.

            The analysis of the study indicates the peacock dances of ASEAN as a transnational common culture art that showcases the influences of neighboring lands. Such influences can be categorizes as mainland influences and islands influences. For instance, Myanmar, Thailand, and Cambodia, connected by borders on the mainland, share similarities in culture and way of life. Island countries such as Malaysia and Indonesia are influenced by each other in a similar way to those on the mainland. The Vietnamese peacock dance in particular is under the influence from China, thanks to their close regional proximity. The study of the peacock dances shed lights on various the roles and forms of peacock in each country, ranging from a simple performance for the sake of entertainment to a magnificent performance full of traditions.

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Performing arts


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