Fabric printing design , An inspired from Thai Chess.

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สุวิธธ์ สาดสังข์
เตือนตา พรมุตตาวรงค์


The purpose of this research were to study the pattern colour and the character of Thai Chess pattern and to study the design pattern of printed fabric from Thai Chess inspiration. This documentary research employed qualitative research methodology. The primary resources used for the research was to take a filed trip at “House of Museum” in Nakorn Pathom Province and the secondary resources were to gather the related books and documents. The data analysis were to study pattern colour the character of Thai Chess pattern and the creation of printed fabric pattern on the process of pattern design such as the inspiration the pattern colour  and the pattern development. The findings of this research disclosed that the pattern colour and the character of Thai Chess pattern inspired the creation of printed fabric pattern and would be a guideline for a new product design with contemporary art by adding value to its usage in proper way.

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