Characterization and Acting Approach of “Khantamalee” in Lakon Nok “Khawi”

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วิภาวี อาขวานนท์


This research aims to study techniques for performing the role of Kanthamalee from an episode called “Kanthamalee’s visit to the king”, in Lakorn Nok Kawee. The researcher uses documentary review and interviews with experts in the role to gather the information. All is analysed and summarised as the research’s finding.

            The research finds that a person performing Kanthamalee needs to have both dance and acting skills. There are five components in performing Kanthamalee role: 1) dance patterns, both solo and duet, using Thai dance movements and natural expressions 2) the use of space covering all nine area of stage depending on dance patterns and interaction with other characters 3) Speaking in verse and prose with stress falling on some particular words and with rather quick pace 4) expressions of feeling, through eyes, face, mouth and body movements, consisting five emotions namely satisfied, sad, angry, love and worried 5) portraying the character requiring script analysis, interpretation, belief and practice. The finding reflects the irony between the social status of the character and how it should be portrayed according to convention of Thai dance; Kanthamalee is a Royal mistress but her acting follows that of working-class. The acting techniques employed begins with outside-in approach and then the inside-out. Correlation between good script, capable director and competent performer is required in order to produce an impressive performance of Kanthamalee in Lakorn Nok Kawee.


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Performing arts


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