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Dezhao Wang


          On the basis of the rapid development of tourism, the research on the relationships among tourists’ perceived value, satisfaction and willingness to revisit can not only reveal the mechanism of tourists’ revisit willingness, but also provide a reference for the management departments in tourism development to formulate policies based on tourists’ perspectives. As a result, through establishing the relationship model of tourists’ perceived value, satisfaction and willingness to revisit based on the customer satisfaction theory and the conducting of the questionnaire survey at tourist attractions in Guizhou, China in order to have a further analysis and processing of survey data and empirically analyze the relationships among the variables, the research results show that tourists’ perceived value has a significant positive correlation with satisfaction, satisfaction has a prominent positive correlation with willingness to revisit, and there is a significant positive correlation between the perceived value of tourists and their revisit willingness. Therefore, it can be seen that satisfaction plays an intermediary role in the relationship between tourists’ perceived value and their willingness to revisit to some extent.

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How to Cite
Wang, D. (2019). RESEARCH ON THE RELATIONSHIPS AMONG PERCEIVED TOURISM VALUE, TOURIST SATISFACTION AND REVISIT WILLINGNESS. Chinese Journal of Social Science and Management, 3(2), 46–61. Retrieved from
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