A Study of National Competitiveness, Using the Single Diamond, Generalized Double Diamond (GDD, and Dual Double Diamond (DDD) approaches


  • Wilawan Phungtua


single diamond, generalized double diamond model, dual double model, national competitiveness, multinational corporations (MNCs)


The concept of national competitiveness   dominates the thinking of those multinational corporations (MNC’S) which thrive in the global market place. The study of this concept is derived from Porter’s National Diamond model (1990) ,which identifies the four determinants of  a country’s  competitiveness. Other studies have pointed out the shortcomings of Porter’s model, extending it to cover multinational corporations (MNC’s), in order to account for and analyze the competitiveness of the economies of small countries. The expansion of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) on a global scale also requires extensive measurements of national competitiveness, in order to make location decisions and to gauge a country’s specific economic advantages. This paper presents the various approaches, starting with Porter’s original National Diamond, then dealing with the Generalized Double Diamond Model, and the Dual Double Diamond Model, in terms of their respective capacities. The research is a comprehensive analysis of the problems of assessing national competitiveness.


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