Self-Management in Accordance With the Buddhist Principles for the Administration of Educational Organizations

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พระครูปลัดสุรวุฒิ สิริวฑฺฒโก
ศุขภิญญา ศรีคำไทย


Self-management in accordance with the Buddhist Dhamma for managing educational organizations. It is the application of 4 principles of dhamma, which are integrated with self-administration for the benefit of educational organization administration. Which is a collaborative process of consciousness and intelligence (consciousness), which means consciousness The administrators of educational organizations use consciousness to see with wisdom, knowing as they actually happen in all 4 areas, namely body, feeling, mind and Dharma, consisting of 1) self-management with support Executive use of consciousness according to view with intelligence, knowing the physical condition Consisting of learning from work and health care. 2) Self-management with compassion. (See feelings) Executives use consciousness to follow with intelligence, knowing only the feeling of happiness and suffering. Or not happy, not suffering that happens Consists of working happily And recreation. 3) Management of consciousness (see mind). Administrators use consciousness to see with wisdom, knowing the mind. Consisting of a strong and stable heart Self control Vision Diligence Honesty And 4) self-management with Dhamma Manapassana (see Dharma). Executives use mindfulness to follow with intelligence, knowing all the facts, knowing what occurred in the heart. Consists of saving and saving Keeping discipline and respecting the law Compliance with religious morals And loyalty to the nation, religion, monarchy

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สิริวฑฺฒโก พ., & ศรีคำไทย ศ. (2019). Self-Management in Accordance With the Buddhist Principles for the Administration of Educational Organizations. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 6(3), 266–277. Retrieved from
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