Science, Technology, and Society Learning Process Arrangementto Develop Early Childhood Children’s Analytical Thinking


  • ปัณณ์ธิชา ถนนนอก Chiang Mai University
  • รัชชุกาญจน์ ทองถาวร Chiang Mai University
  • ไพบูลย์ อุปันโน Chiang Mai University




The research objectives were 1) to design experience learning plan through science, technology, and society learning process arrangement, 2) to study the outcome of early childhood children’s analytical thinking through science, technology, and society learning process, and 3) to study early childhood children’s science learning through science, technology, and society learning process. The target group used in this research was 35 young children, who were purposively selected, in the class of Kindergarten 2/8 academic year 2016 at Anuban Chiang Mai School. The researcher sets passed criteria evaluation at 70.00%.

The results found that: 1) new science, technology, and society experience lesson plans were created; and 2) the target group, who learned through science, technology, and society experience lesson plans, received the mean score at 92.85% which was higher than the set criteria of 70.00%. Overall, they had got mean scores of critical thinking higher than the set criteria, which grouping was the most rated (100%), following with estimating (96.71%), correlating (91.42%), comparing (89.28%), and surveying (87.86%) respectively; and 3) the target group who learned through science, technology, and society experience lesson plans earned the mean scores of science learning at 93.14 % which was higher than the set criteria of 70.00%.

Author Biographies

ปัณณ์ธิชา ถนนนอก, Chiang Mai University

Graduate student in Education Division (Early Childhood Education), Department of Educational Foundation and Development, Faculty of Education, Chiang Mai University

รัชชุกาญจน์ ทองถาวร, Chiang Mai University

Lecturer in Education Division (Early Childhood Education), Department of Educational Foundation and Development, Faculty of Education, Chiang Mai University

ไพบูลย์ อุปันโน, Chiang Mai University

Lecturer in Education Division (Early Childhood Education), Department of   Educational Foundation and Development, Faculty of Education, Chiang Mai University



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How to Cite

ถนนนอก ป., ทองถาวร ร., & อุปันโน ไ. (2019). Science, Technology, and Society Learning Process Arrangementto Develop Early Childhood Children’s Analytical Thinking. Journal of Education Studies, 47(3), 269–289. Retrieved from