The Training Model to Enhance the Public Consciousness of In-Service Military Conscripts


  • ศุภวดี มีเพียร, พันตรีหญิง Chulalongkorn University
  • อาชัญญา รัตนอุบล Chulalongkorn University
  • จุฬารัตน์ เพชรวิเศษ Royal Thai Armed Forces Headquarters  




Public Consciousness is a crucial characteristic for an individual to demonstrate their responsibility to the community. Military conscripts are an important person in the Army. This study is aimed at developing a training model to enhance public consciousness of the in-service military conscripts by using adult learning and service learning. Total of 30 participants in the study were in-service military conscripts of 2nd Infantry Battalion 4th Infantry Regiment who remain their positions in the military not exceeding 6 months at the time of study. Results suggested that the training model to enhance public consciousness of in-service military conscripts was inclusive of 7 steps. 1) The preparation of in-service military conscripts 2) Provide in-service military conscripts with skills in community collaboration 3) Establish learning objectives 4) Prepare in-service military conscripts with the skills prior to the practice 5) Practical experience 6) Cognitive reflection and 7) Evaluation. Moreover, the result suggested that in-service military conscripts have increased their public consciousness after completing the training model to enhance public consciousness (26.6%). By in-service military conscripts developing their public consciousness characteristics, they will become a sustainable community service provider, a service which benefits the entire nation.

Author Biographies

ศุภวดี มีเพียร, พันตรีหญิง, Chulalongkorn University

Ph.D. Candidate in Non-Formal Education Division, Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University

อาชัญญา รัตนอุบล, Chulalongkorn University

Lecturer in Non-Formal Education Division, Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University

จุฬารัตน์ เพชรวิเศษ, Royal Thai Armed Forces Headquarters  

Deputy Director of Strategic and Security Research Studies Division, National Defence Studies Institute, Royal Thai Armed Forces Headquarters  



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How to Cite

มีเพียร ศ., รัตนอุบล อ., & เพชรวิเศษ จ. (2019). The Training Model to Enhance the Public Consciousness of In-Service Military Conscripts. Journal of Education Studies, 47(3), 475–495. Retrieved from