A Flower Book Design Process Using a Communication Design Method Applying the Intricate Paper Cutting Technique of Songkhla


  • พรรณี วิรุณานนท์ Bangkok University




The objectives of this creative research are (1) the development of a design process for art books by applying a communication design method adapted from the intricate paper cutting technique of Songkhla province, and (2) the production and presentation of flower books that follow the developed process. The design concept is “Repetition and Reflection”. The results of this creative research are: (1) the design process for the book of flowers by applying the communication design method adapted from the Songkhla intricate paper cutting technique, which has three main steps: 1) drawing inspiration from Thai art, 2) knowledge and skill development for artisanship and Lai Thai designs, and 3) the design process and exhibiting of the flower books; and (2) a set of 33 flower books and the presentation style. The flowers used as the base models for the books, the number of books and the layout model for the flower books developed through the process are taken from flowers in Thai literature that are considered a branch of Thai art.



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How to Cite

วิรุณานนท์ พ. (2019). A Flower Book Design Process Using a Communication Design Method Applying the Intricate Paper Cutting Technique of Songkhla. Journal of Education Studies, 47(Suppl. 2), 202–222. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/EDUCU/article/view/232853