Building Up Organizational Commitment of Generation Z

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กัญจนวลัย นนทแก้ว แฟร์รี่


The aim of this article is to suggest how building up the organizational commitment of generation Z. Generation Z tends to leave their jobs after for 1-2 years. To retain the employees, it needs to build up the organizational commitment, which work values can predict. After reviewing the literature of Three Component model of commitment of Meyer & Allen since 1991, guideline for develop the commitment of Meyer & Hescovitch, which is presented in 2001, and work values of generation Z, it was found that the work values of generation Z were different from other generations such as compensation, job-advancement, and social-impact work. Three Components Model and human resource management activities are used to build up the organizational commitment by create the meaningful work design, performance management and compensation, participation, shared values, and corporate social responsibility.

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