Competitiveness Empowerment of Private Vocational Institutions in the Northern Region of Thailand

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รุ่งฤดี รัตน์ชัยศิลป์
จิรพล จิยะจันทน์


The purpose of this study were to 1) Study the environmental factors faced by private vocational institutions. 2) Analyze the potential of private vocational institutions and 3) Propose ways to increase the competitiveness of private vocational institutions.
The samples were: Group of Mathayom Suksa 3 in the Northern Region of Thailand 9 students, Group of Prathom Suksa 1 - 3rd Grade of Vocational Education Institutes in the Northern Region of Thailand 9 students, Group of Entrepreneurs in the Northern Region of Thailand 10 people and Group of Scholars in the Northern Region of Thailand 10 people. Use interview form for Focus Group discussion is a tool for collecting information. Then data analyzed by content analysis from the overview to the analysis of sub-topics. The study found that: The student decided to enroll in a private vocational Institutions because they can work and have experience during the course and they want to open up technology courses and industrial development. For entrepreneurs want vocational students to improve their language skills, especially English and Chinese. Including they want to be taught in the Automotive Industry Course. The Competitiveness Empowerment of Private Vocational Institutions in the Northern Region of Thailand is as follows: 1) The Competitiveness Empowerment of marketing competitiveness by Providing Advertising media, public relations, educational institutions to expand market opportunities. 2) The Competitiveness Empowerment of Technological by developing students' potential in technology and testing of quality assessment criteria and 3) The Competitiveness Empowerment of curriculum and programs by enhancing knowledge from speakers who have expertise in future skills and skills as well as language skills.

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