Strategies for Administering a Provincial Scout Club


  • Sathiraporn Chaowachai Faculty of Management Studies Doctor of Philosophy Program Faculty of Education Naresuan University
  • Chalong Chatruprachewin Faculty of Education Naresuan University


Strategies, Administration, Scout club


The purposes of this research were 1) to investigate the operating environment, set strategic issues, and find the administrative approaches for a provincial scout club, 2) to create strategies for administering a provincial scout club, and 3) to evaluate the feasibility and the usefulness of these administrative strategies. The research procedures were as follows. First, the operating environment of a provincial scout club was investigated by exploring their needs with 260 committee members of a provincial scout club. Then, the data were analyzed by using (PNImodified) in order to find their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Next, the strategic issues for administering a provincial scout club were set by drawing on SWOT Analysis. Then, the interviews regarding the strategies for administering a provincial scout club were conducted with 4 experts. After that, these strategies were checked and approved for their appropriateness by 9 experts using a group discussion. Then, their feasibility and the usefulness of these strategies were evaluated by 72 administrative committee members of a provincial scout club. The findings were as follows.  

  1. The current condition and the desirable condition of the operation of a provincial scout club were at a high level. Moreover, the desirable condition of the operation of a provincial scout club was at a high level in terms of their property management in which it showed the highest need; however, in terms of finding members, it showed the least need. 5 strategic issues and 20 strategies were set.
  2. Regarding strategies for administering a provincial scout club, there were 4 strategic issues which were divided into 12 strategies, 39 approaches, and 46 indicators as shown below.

   The strategic issue 1 focused on the development of administrative systems of the scout club. It consisted of 5 strategies, 22 approaches, and 25 indicators. 

               The strategic issue 2 focused on the promotion of scout club’s members to be able to work effectively. It consisted of 3 strategies, 8 approaches and 10 indicators.  

               The strategic issue 3 focused on the creation of the participation in arranging activities of the scout club. It consisted of 2 strategies, 4 approaches and 5 indicators. 

               The strategic issue 4 focused on the promotion of the participation in developing the citizenship of the scout and related staff. It consisted of 2 strategies, 5 approaches and 6 indicators.

  1. The feasibility and the usefulness of strategies for administering a provincial scout club were at a high level.


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How to Cite

Chaowachai, S., & Chatruprachewin, C. (2018). Strategies for Administering a Provincial Scout Club. Humanities and Social Sciences Journal of Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, 12(2), 581–595. Retrieved from



Research Article