The Effect Service Quality of Certified Accountancy Offices in the Northern Part of Thailand toward Customers’ Loyalty : Customers’ Satisfaction as a Moderator Variable


  • Jaturapat Wongsirisathaporn Department of Accounting Faculty of Management Science Lampang Rajabhat University


Service quality, Service marketing mix, Customer satisfaction, Customer loyalty, Certified accountancy office


This research aimed to develop the causal relationship model of service quality in certified accountancy offices in the northern part of Thailand toward customer loyalty: The customer satisfaction as a moderator variables. This research applied qualitative and quantitative research methodologies and the population was customers who used to receive the services 215 person from certified accountancy offices in the northern part of Thailand.

       The replying percentage was 53.75%. Descriptive statistics was frequencies, percentages, arithmetic means, and standard deviations meanwhile, the inferential statistics applied correlation and path analysis. The result founded that the causal relationship model of service quality in certified accountancy offices toward customer loyalty: The customer satisfaction as a moderator variables conformed with empirical data by a Chi-square =54.125,df= 65 , CMIN/DF = 0.833, P-value = 0.830, RMSEA =0.000 , RMR = 0.006, GFI =0.966, AGFI = 0.946, and CFI=1.000.  Path coefficient of service quality of certified accountancy offices toward customer satisfaction equal to 0.946 , Path coefficient of customer satisfaction toward customer loyalty equal to 1.071 and can be predicted to 96.70%. The result reveals that the service quality of certified accountancy office in the northern part of Thailand have direct positive relationship with customer loyalty by passed the customer satisfaction as moderator variables




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How to Cite

Wongsirisathaporn, J. (2018). The Effect Service Quality of Certified Accountancy Offices in the Northern Part of Thailand toward Customers’ Loyalty : Customers’ Satisfaction as a Moderator Variable. Humanities and Social Sciences Journal of Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, 12(2), 644–662. Retrieved from



Research Article