The Development of Supervision Model to Enhance an Experiential Competency For Early Childhood Teachers Under Department of Local Administion


  • Bundit Muangong Program in Research and Development in Education, Faculty of Education, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University
  • Sukkaew Comesorn Faculty of Education, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University
  • Keangchak Suvannawat Phitsanulok Provincial Education Office


Supervision Model, Competency Teacher, Enhance an experimental


This purposes of this research is development of supervision model to enhance an experimental competency for early childhood Teacher under department of local administration. The aim of this research were 1) to study necessity of  supervision learning management of early childhood teacher. The simple group was 113 who teach of department of local 17 2) to create and quality check of teaching supervision model with 10 professional. 3) to try teaching supervision model out by Quasi–Experimental research. The simple group is 9 teachers of watjan Sub-district administrative organization. 4) to evaluate teaching supervision model the sample group is 9 teachers of watjan Sub-district administrative organization. Qualitative data analysis, by using statistics Mean ( ) Standard deviation (S.D.) Result of the research. 1. The need assesment of supervision model to enhance an experimental competency for early childhood teacher under department of local administration with need very. 2. The development of supervision model to enhance an experimental competency for early childhood teacher under department of local administration with 8 steps 1) planning 2) information 3) doing 4) analysis 5) post- observation 6) reinforcing 7) evaluation 8) report of teaching supervision model with 10 professional. Assessment of possible, accuracy, suitability was the most. 3. The development of supervision model to enhance an experimental competency for early childhood teacher under department of local administration after competency learning management of early childhood teacher was at a very. 4. The development of supervision model to enhance an experimental competency for early childhood teacher under department of local administration after evaluation of usefulness model was at a very


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How to Cite

Muangong, B., Comesorn, S., & Suvannawat, K. (2019). The Development of Supervision Model to Enhance an Experiential Competency For Early Childhood Teachers Under Department of Local Administion. Humanities and Social Sciences Journal of Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, 13(2), 413–427. Retrieved from



Research Article