School-Based Educational Supervision Model under Primary Educational Service Area Office in the Northeast of Thailand


  • Sirada Piriyachaiworkul Doctor of Philosophy Program in Educational Administration, Faculty of Education, Udon Thani Rajabhat University
  • Udom Jumrasphan Faculty of Education, Udon Thani Rajabhat University
  • Tanasak Siripumyanun Khonkaen Primary Educational Service Area Office 3


School–Based: SBM, Supervision of Education, Primary Educational Service Area Office in the Northeast of Thailand


The objective of this research is to develop the school-based educational supervision model under Primary Educational Service Area Office in the Northeast of Thailand. The analysis was conducted using Delphie Technique for 3 rounds. The samples used in Delphie Technique are 22 experts who are involved educational management and supervision. Research tool used in the Delphie Technique in round 1 is open ended questionnaires, and questionnaires with 5 scale ratings in round 2 and 3. The researcher sent and collected questionnaires through post office. Data on the 1st round were analyzed by content analysis, and data on the 2nd and 3rd rounds were analyzed by the median and range between quartiles.

Research findings revealed that the school-based educational supervision model under Primary Educational Service Area Office in the Northeast of Thailand had 3 components including (1) Input factor with 21 sub-component, (2) Process component with 38 sub-component, and (3) Output component with 6 sub-components. These three components were ratified by experts’ opinions according to the Delphie Technique round 2, the median value was 3.50 onward and Interquatile range was not over 1.50 in all sub-components that mean experts had consistent comments in all components. And Delphie Technique round 3, the opinions of experts showed that the median value  was 3.50 onward and Interquatile range was not over 1.50 and different value between  the mode and median was not over 1.00 in all sub-components which showed that the experts had consistent comments with consensus.


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How to Cite

Piriyachaiworkul, S., Jumrasphan, U., & Siripumyanun, T. (2018). School-Based Educational Supervision Model under Primary Educational Service Area Office in the Northeast of Thailand. Humanities and Social Sciences Journal of Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, 13(1), 69–87. Retrieved from



Research Article