A Construction of Organizational Citizenship Behavior Test for Employees of the Automotive Industry in Eastern Thailand

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อภิพร สินเหลือ


The objectives of this research were:1)to develop testing model for organizational citizenship behavior test; 2) to examine a construct validity of organizational citizenship behavior test for employees of the automotive industry in Eastern Thailand; 3) to examine the item discriminant (r) index of organizational citizenship behavior test for employees of the automotive industry in Eastern Thailand; and 4) to examine the reliability values of organizational citizenship behavior test for employees of the automotive industry in Eastern Thailand. The sample group selected through simple random sampling consisted of 215 employees with equal or over good level of performance evaluation and worked in the automotive parts manufacturing of the automotive industry in Eastern Thailand. The research instrument was the organizational citizenship behavior test with 5-level rating scales. The overall reliability of organizational citizenship behavior test analyzed by Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient was 0.961. The statistics used for analyze the data were formula of Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient, Frequency, Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation, Coefficient of Variation, Skewness, Kurtosis, and Confirmatory Factor Analysis.

The findings were as follows: 1) the organizational citizenship behavior test for employees of the automotive industry in Eastern Thailand had 5 components, namely, altruism, courtesy, sportsmanship, civic virtue, and conscientiousness and 2) the quality of organizational citizenship behavior test for employees showed the index of item objective congruence analysis ranged between 0.60-1.00, the discriminant (r) index ranged between 0.363-0.758, and the overall reliability was 0.961.

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