Developing Measurement of Intellectual Capital in SMEs Food Industry in Thailand

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วีร์ พวงเพิกศึก
ปรีดา ศรีนฤวรรณ


This research aims to develop an instrument for measuring intellectual capital in small and medium enterprises in food sector in Thailand. 269 samples were ​​small and medium enterprises in food sector in Thailand. Questionnaire used for collecting information, to developing the instrument for measuring intellectual capital. We used exploratory factor analysis (EFA), by principal components analysis method (PCA) to find the relationship between variables with Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO), communality, eigenvalues, factor extraction, varimax factor rotation method, and factor score were used to find the perfect component. It was found that, the scale for measuring intellectual capital of small and medium enterprises in food industry in Thailand consists of two components, human capital and structural capital. Human capital is composed of (1) employee’s attitudes, and (2) employee’s skill. While the structural capital is composed of three components: (1) the organizational structure, (2) the organizational explicit knowledge, and (3) the physical structure of the organization.

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