Waste Reduction in Production System for Cleanroom Apparels


  • อัตติพงษ์ เทพทับทิม Industrial Technology
  • ภาสุระ อังกุลานนท์ Industrial Technology


Waste Reduction, Cleanroom garment industries


Waste increases the manufacturing cost of products for any industry including cleanroom garment industries. It becomes very significant to identify waste and its effects on productivity and manufacturing cost. By this research work, in-depth analysis of cleanroom apparel production system in a garment company in Pathumtani was carried out to provide recommendation to improve the productivity. Seven wastes such as over production, excess motion, transportation, over processing, excess inventory, long waiting time and defect were identified.  Based on the analysis of production reports, we found major concerns in all seven wastes. Solutions to reduce waste and increasing production efficiency were suggested.


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