The Development of Computer-Assisted Instruction on E-Book Creation with FlipAlbum Vista Pro 7.0 for Mathayomsaksa 1 Students

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จิตราภรณ์ บัวชิต
ทนงศักดิ์ โสวจัสสตากุล
พรรณี ลีกิจวัฒนะ


This study aimed to develop and explore the quality and effectiveness of the computer-assisted instruction on e-book creation using FlipAlbum Vista Pro 7.0, and compare the student’s learning achievement before and after trying out the computer-assisted instruction. The sample group was 30 students at Mathayomsuksa 1 level, currently attending school in semester 2 of an academic year of 2013, at Baan Songnangyai Municipality School, Muang district, Mahasarakham province. These students were selected with cluster sampling method and clustered as one classroom. The research tools used in this study consisted of the computer-assisted instruction on e-book creation using FlipAlbum Vista Pro 7.0 and the authorware purposively developed by the researcher, the evaluation form on the quality of the computer-assisted instruction, and the student’s learning achievement test. The test contains the difficulty index of 0.50 – 0.80, the discrimination index of 0.20 – 0.67, and the reliability index of 0.83. The data analysis was conducted and resulted as mean, standard deviation, whilst the dependent sample t-test was additionally applied.

The result affirmed that the computer-assisted instruction is a very high quality instructional media ( gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.54). That is, the content is good (gif.latex?\bar{x}  = 4.40), the production is very good ( gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.63). This computer-assisted the instruction is as effeicient as expected (E1/E2 = 81.00/82.11). More importantly, the student’s learning achievement after learning with the computer-assisted instruction has been increased with a statistical significance of .05.

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How to Cite
บัวชิต จ., โสวจัสสตากุล ท., & ลีกิจวัฒนะ พ. (2015). The Development of Computer-Assisted Instruction on E-Book Creation with FlipAlbum Vista Pro 7.0 for Mathayomsaksa 1 Students. Journal of Industrial Education, 14(2), 88–94. Retrieved from
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