The Study of student Attitude toward Computer subject for Upper Secondary school Saint Louis School Chachoengsao

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หทัยชนก ศรีชนะวัฒน์
ไพฑูรย์ พิมดี
เลิศลักษณ์ กลิ่นหอม


The purpose of this research were to study and to compare the student attitude towards computer subject for Upper Secondary school Saint Louis School Chachoengsao. Samples of this study were 260 students in semester 2, academic year 2013, who were selected by using stratified random sampling technique. The research tool used was a questionnaire consisting of 2 parts. Part I consisted of question about demographic information of the sample. Part II, the 5 rating scales questionnaire, It consisted of 35 items and had a reliability of 0.87. Data were analyzed by mean, standard deviation, independent sample t-test, One-Way ANOVA and multiple comparison of Scheffe’ s method. Results were as follows:1). The Study attitude toward Computer subject for student at high levels in Study of student Attitude toward Computer subject. ( gif.latex?\bar{x}= 4.05) 2). The Study of student attitude toward Computer subject for Upper Secondary school Saint Louis School Chachoengsao. There was not-significant difference in students who have personal computer. A reliability of 95% had not effected to the using of the study of student attitude toward Computer subject. 3). The Study of student attitude toward Computer subject for Upper Secondary school Saint Louis School Chachoengsao. There was significant difference in the level. The Study of student Attitude toward Computer subject which difference in the level, as significant in statistics level 0.05. (p< 0.05)

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How to Cite
ศรีชนะวัฒน์ ห., พิมดี ไ., & กลิ่นหอม เ. (2015). The Study of student Attitude toward Computer subject for Upper Secondary school Saint Louis School Chachoengsao. Journal of Industrial Education, 14(2), 268–274. Retrieved from
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