Parametric Study of Designing for Thermal Comfort of Traditional Thai Houses in Central Region

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พิทาน ทองศาโรจน์


This research is to study the value of thermal comfort in the central Thai traditional house in Thailand is calculated from samples of Thai traditional houses. This house is built from parametric study from concept of Rutai Jaijongruk known well to identify elements of Thai traditional house’s proportion and apply equation with the house. There are groups of parameter being able to classify 10 groups; 1) Thai traditional house‘s form and shape, 2) House orientation, 3) Building materials, 4) Floor, 5) Wall pattern, 6) Roof’s gable, 7) Material of roof, 8) Ceiling, 9) Direction, 10) Location. According to the concept above, samples of Thai traditional house are identified to 72 types of them in this research. Each type of them is modeled as digital model by EDSL Tas Engineering for computing both Humidity and Temperature value. This research performs with bedroom, balcony, and space under the Thai house under collecting data in 365 days or a year by dividing this collection follow seasons. Both of factors are calculated in terms of comfortable zone from the framework of Kitchai Jikajonwanich.   

In accordance with conclusion of research, it shows that the Thai traditional houses; no.14, 18, and 31, can provide the most value of comfortable zone in summer around 4.48%, in rainy around 3.47%, and nearly 3.47% in winter. There are average value of year approximately 6.25% and minimum thermal comfort value of no. 6 around 0.05% in summer, 0.10% in rainy, and 0.15% in winter including 0.20% from average value of year. The groups of parameter in Thai traditional house design; form and shape, ceiling, roof material, direction, and location, directly affect the comfortable zone value with the houses modeled from maximum to minimum in turn.

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How to Cite
ทองศาโรจน์ พ. (2015). Parametric Study of Designing for Thermal Comfort of Traditional Thai Houses in Central Region. Journal of Industrial Education, 14(2), 275–282. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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