Zero Industrial Waste Management for Eco Industry: A Case Study of Thai Oleochemicals Co., Ltd

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อิทธิศักดิ์ จิราภรณ์วารี
ธวัชชัย ศุภดิษฐ์


The research aimed to analyze the factors affecting the success of zero industrial waste management for the eco industry and obstacles to its success. A CIPP-I model was applied to analyze these factors and the approach of zero waste management was suggested. The participants in the study were stakeholders of Thai Oleochemicals Co., Ltd. (People in the areas, Waste generator, Waste processors, and Local and Central government) The data was collected by using an in-depth interview and observation technique. The data was analyzed using the content analysis and triangulation technique.

The results showed that the most important factor affecting the success of zero industrial waste management for the eco industry was the commitment of company executives to the concept. Promoting projects or activities, creating a knowledge-based society, and getting all participating sectors involved were found to be the important factors leading to zero industrial waste management. The factors mentioned could be used to reduce the conflicts of people in the areas considered and to decrease the impacts of waste upon the environment. However, they may also allow the use of resources to be optimized which may encourage sustainable development. It is recommended that the guidelines for the successful implementation of world class environmental practice for the eco waste management industry should include four steps as follows: 1) setting up the direction of environmental policy for the management of waste; 2) compliance with related administrative requirements, laws, and regulations; 3) recording of the data and results so as to produce a database and waste profile; and 4) striving to continually reduce the amount of waste to zero.

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How to Cite
จิราภรณ์วารี อ., & ศุภดิษฐ์ ธ. (2015). Zero Industrial Waste Management for Eco Industry: A Case Study of Thai Oleochemicals Co., Ltd. Journal of Industrial Education, 14(2), 396–403. Retrieved from
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