Factors Influencing Participation in Quality Control Circle Activity of Operative Employee in Panasonic AVC Network (Thailand) Ltd.

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กิตติภัทธ์ พลทัศน์โยธิน
วลัยลักษณ์ อัตธีรวงศ์
ณัฐวุฒิ โรจน์นิรุตติกุล


The main objectives of this research are as follows : 1) To study the level of participation in quality control circle activities of operative employees in Panasonic AVC Network (Thailand) Ltd. 2) To study  the factors influencing the  participation in quality control circle activities of the operative employees in Panasonic AVC Network (Thailand) Ltd. In this study, simple random sampling has been used with the employees to get a sample of 326. Questionnaire was used to gather information and descriptive statistics i.e. percentages, arithmetic means, and standard deviation have been employed to analyze data. In addition, Multiple Linear Regression has been used to test the hypotheses. It was found that

  1. The overall level of participation in quality control circle activities of the operative employees was moderate, and the average of participation level of quality control circle activities in management of organization was the highest, followed by the average of internal communication in organization, organizational culture, training and motivation, respectively.

  2. Factors in organizational culture, management of organization, motivation and training had influenced over participation in quality control circle activities of the operative employees in Panasonic AVC Network (Thailand) Ltd. All independent, could explain the participation in Quality Control Circle Activities of the employees in Panasonic AVC Network (Thailand) Ltd. at 80.9 %

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How to Cite
พลทัศน์โยธิน ก., อัตธีรวงศ์ ว., & โรจน์นิรุตติกุล ณ. (2015). Factors Influencing Participation in Quality Control Circle Activity of Operative Employee in Panasonic AVC Network (Thailand) Ltd. Journal of Industrial Education, 14(2), 511–518. Retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JIE/article/view/122472
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