Study and Design of a Supplementary Equipment of Muscle movement skill for Mentally retarded childrent

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วรางคณา กรเลิศวานิช
ทรงวุฒิ เอกวุฒิวงศา
อภิสักก์ สินธุภัค


This research is to study and design a tool for muscles movement skill of intellectually impaired children with emphasis on designing a tool that motivate iearning lead that to the movement skill. The samples were 6 intellectually impaired children from Special Education School, Satit Laor-Utid school, and Rachapadsuandusit university

This research aims to 1) to study a tool for skills movement muscles of intellectual impaired children 2) to design a tool for skills movement muscles of intellectual impaired children 3) to evaluate the satisfaction of teachers the tool for skills movement muscles. The samples were 6 intellectually impaired children from Special Education School, Satit Laor-Utid school, and Rachapadsuandusit university. The tools used in this study were 1) standardized of Structured Interview. 2) non-participation observation. 3) a questionaire on the design of a tool for skills movement muscles of intellectual impaired children, and 4) an evaluation form of the satisfaction of the tool for skills movement muscles of intellectual impaired children. Data were analyzed by using frequency, percentage, mean (gif.latex?\small&space;\bar{X}) and standard deviation (SD).

The study concluded that 1) a tool for muscles movement skill of intellectual impaired children is a tool to practice standing, walking, going up stairs, and walking on a flat board. 2) the researcher design 3 models of muscles movement skill,where. The second model is the most appropriate. The average is in the high level of suitability. ( gif.latex?\small&space;\bar{X}= 4.29) The third model is the most appropriate for aesthetic appearance model. The average is in the high level of suitability. ( gif.latex?\small&space;\bar{X}= 4.23) 3) The evaluation of the skills movement muscles of intellectual impaired children by professionals teaching of intellectual impaired children, concluded that the tool for muscles movement skills of intellectual impaired children, averaged in the high level of suitability ( gif.latex?\small&space;\bar{X}= 4.58).

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How to Cite
กรเลิศวานิช ว., เอกวุฒิวงศา ท., & สินธุภัค อ. (2015). Study and Design of a Supplementary Equipment of Muscle movement skill for Mentally retarded childrent. Journal of Industrial Education, 14(2), 638–644. Retrieved from
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