Guidelines for Strengthening of the Student Council by Progressive Educational Approach for Schools under Phetchabun Primary Educational Service Area Office 2

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นิคม เขียวฉ่ำ
ชัยฤทธิ์ โพธิสุวรรณ
ปิยะพงษ์ ไสยโสภณ


The purposes of this research were as follows; 1. To construct the guidelines for strengthening the student council by progressive educational approach. 2. To study the result of using the guidelines and 3. To study the satisfaction towards that guidelines. The participants in this study were from 6 schools voluntarily (2 of large size schools, 2 of medium size schools, and 2 of small size schools). The participants comprised of 6 principals, 6 student council advisors (teachers), 40 classroom teachers and 66 members of student council. Instruments of research consisted of 1. guidelines and 2. participants journals. This study was action research. Data were qualitative data analyzed by meaning interpretation. Findings were 1. the guidelines for strengthening the student council by progressive education consisted of principals, teachers, students preparing and experiential learning processes. 2. Results of the usage of these guidelines were a) all 6 student councils were able to initiate and implement desired activities b) these desired activities could contribute to students’ communities, under student councils leadership c) most of these student councils could conduct activities conserving cultural heritages and assimilating local wisdom d) all 6 student councils successfully led school student to involving activities of community. 3. All principals and student council advisors were highly satisfied with these guidelines. (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.42, S.D.= 0.51) Principals and student council advisors realized benefits and positive effects concerning the management of both in-classroom and out-of-classroom from the implementation of these guidelines.

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How to Cite
เขียวฉ่ำ น., โพธิสุวรรณ ช., & ไสยโสภณ ป. (2015). Guidelines for Strengthening of the Student Council by Progressive Educational Approach for Schools under Phetchabun Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. Journal of Industrial Education, 14(3), 475–480. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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