Human Resource Management Factors Affecting to Employee Retention in DENSO (THAILAND) CO., LTD. (Bangpakong Plant)

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พันธุ์เทพ ลดาบรรณ
วรนารถ แสงมณี


The objectives of this research were to examine the levels of employee retention at DENSO (Thailand) Co., Ltd., Banpakong Plant, and to examine the influence of human resource management factors on the employee retention. The sample were drawn by using simple random sampling with a sample size of 173 promoted employees. The research instrument was a questionnaire that has reliability of 0.933. The data were analyzed by using percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation and multiple linear regressions (enter method). The results showed that the level of employee retention at DENSO (Thailand) Co., Ltd., Banpakong Plant was at an average level. The factors involving employee support, career advancement, employee relationship, and remuneration significantly influent the employee retention at DENSO (Thailand) Co., Ltd., Banpakong Plant at 0.01. On the other hand, the environment factor did not affect the employee retention.

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How to Cite
ลดาบรรณ พ., & แสงมณี ว. (2015). Human Resource Management Factors Affecting to Employee Retention in DENSO (THAILAND) CO., LTD. (Bangpakong Plant). Journal of Industrial Education, 14(3), 538–545. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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