Perception, Attitude and Behavior of Consumer toward Ready Sandwiches for Breakfast

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ธราพงษ์ อินทร์สุวรรณ์
อุรสา บัวตะมะ
กุลกัญญา ณ ป้อมเพ็ชร์


The research objectives entailed studying the variables affecting Bangkok consumer’s willingness to choose a ready-made morning breakfast sandwich. Factors included how ingredients affect a Bangkok consumer’s perception, attitude and behavior. Data was collected from a total of 385 Bangkok consumers who chose ready-made sandwiches for their breakfast using the purposive sampling method. A questionnaire was used as a tool of the research and descriptive statistics was applied to analyze percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation (SD), Chi-square test and the one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) to determine whether there were any significant differences between the means of the independent (unrelated) groups. A significance of p<0.05 was set for statistical analysis. From the research it was determined that;

        1) Shape and packaging characteristics affect consumer perception.

        2) Packaging must also be convenient, easily accessible with easy to consume breakfast sandwiches. Additionally, quality influences perception and attitudes on convenience and the ability to save time. It must also be clean, safe and offer value.

        3) External media input and branding influences consumer perceptions, behavior and taste preferences. Perceived health benefits also influenced consumption decision making.

        4) Perception concerning product value influenced consumer’s behavior in the number of times  a ready-made sandwich was consumed as well as the selection of different brands. Products which were viewed as safe and clean also influenced consumer behavior in the selection of ready-made sandwiches. 

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How to Cite
อินทร์สุวรรณ์ ธ., บัวตะมะ อ., & ณ ป้อมเพ็ชร์ ก. (2015). Perception, Attitude and Behavior of Consumer toward Ready Sandwiches for Breakfast. Journal of Industrial Education, 14(3), 296–303. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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