The Results Of Using Online Lessons On “The Creation Of Animation” For Matthayom Sueksa Three Students

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อภิญญา ศรีจันทร์
วีระ ไทยพานิช
เพ็ญศรี เศรษฐวงศ์


In this experimental research inquiry, the researcher develops. 1) online lessons on “The Creation of Animation” designed to satisfy the standard efficiency criterion. The researcher also compares. 2) the academic achievement between a group of students instructed by online lessons and a group instructed by traditional methods. The research population consisted of three classrooms made up of 105 Matthayom Sueksa Three students enrolled at Loisaianuson School, Bangkok Metropolis in the academic year 2013. Using the cluster random sampling technique of drawing lots, the researcher selected 60 students. These students were divided into two groups of 30 each. The 30 members of the experimental group were instructed using the online lessons developed by the researcher and the 30 members of the control group were instructed using traditional methods. The instruments of research consisted of 1) online lessons on “The Creation of Animation” for Matthayom Sueksa Three students constructed with the goal of satisfying the set efficiency criterion of 80/80; and 2) a 40-item objective test with four-choices with only one correct answer used to measure academic achievement couched at the reliability level of 0.854. Findings are as follows: 1) It was determined that the online lessons constructed by the researcher satisfied the set efficiency criteria at 84.66/85.50. 2) The academic achievement on the students of the experimental group instructed by online lessons was higher than that of the students instructed by traditional methods at the statistically significant level of .05.

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How to Cite
ศรีจันทร์ อ., ไทยพานิช ว., & เศรษฐวงศ์ เ. (2014). The Results Of Using Online Lessons On “The Creation Of Animation” For Matthayom Sueksa Three Students. Journal of Industrial Education, 13(3), 120–127. Retrieved from
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