Synthesis and Design of 4 Quadrant Analog Current-mode Multiplier and Divider Using OTAs

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มรกต วรจักร
วินัย ใจกล้า
พีระวุฒิ สุวรรณจันทร์


This article presents the synthesis and design of four quadrant analog current-mode multiplier and divider using BJT operational transconductance amplifiers (OTAs). The features of the proposed circuits are as follows: they consist of two OTAs which is ideal for monolithic IC implementation; they can multiply and divide two input current with temperature insensitivity; the magnitude of output currents can be electronically controlled. Moreover, the proposed multiplier and divider possess high output impedances thus they enable simple current-mode cascading without any external current buffers. The PSPICE simulation results are included, verifying the workability of the proposed circuits. The given results agree well with the theoretical anticipation.

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How to Cite
วรจักร ม., ใจกล้า ว., & สุวรรณจันทร์ พ. (2015). Synthesis and Design of 4 Quadrant Analog Current-mode Multiplier and Divider Using OTAs. Journal of Industrial Education, 14(2), 327–334. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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