Body of Knowledge and Concepts on Learning Management from Thai Teacher TV

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ปรีดา เบ็ญคาร
ณรงค์ กาญจนะ
จงกล บัวแก้ว
ภัคพงศ์ ปวงสุข
เกวลิน ชัญณรงค์
อังคนา อุทัยรัตน์
กมลทิพย์ สมบูรณ์พงษ์
เขมนิจ วัฒนทินโชติ
ณิชภัทร ชัยวรากรณ์
นิพัทธา ชัยกิจ
เปมิกา สิทธิจันทร์


This research aimed to study the body of knowledge and concepts in learning management from a Thai Teachers TV program. The sources of data were limited to 60 videos of the Thai Teachers TV program. Content analysis method was employed and frequency was used as statistical tool. Results of the study revealed that from the 60 videos, the important 40 topics of body of knowledge and concepts in learning management were found. The five most mentioned topics were:

1) Questioning and development of students’ thinking skill. The basic technique that encourages students to think is the question. However, teachers can create a variety of activities that promote thinking skills of students. They should give students the opportunity to: ask questions;  create their own imaginative ideas, own problems and  guess the answer; research what they want to know; comment, discuss and brainstorm with friends; get hands-on experience;  get involved in multi-sensory and novel learning; and practice the proper way of thinking (Yonisomanasikara).

2) Using instructional media.  The good instructional media does not have to be expensive. The teachers’ creativity is most important, which can transform the ordinary into the effective instructional media. The use of the environment around the schools, such as materials, equipment, locations, resource persons and local places, will make students experience and see the real things. As a result, students will access information and understand the contents to be taught more easily

3) Drill and practice. The good learning is ‘learning by practicing’ (learning by doing). During practicing, students have a chance to plan, think and create interesting questions, solve problem, evaluate their own and classmates’ work, learn the process of working and drawing conclusions on their own. However, during the activities, the teacher will be facilitating and giving advice. In addition, before the class ends, students’ individual practice should be assigned. Consequently, the teacher can know how much their students can learn and which students should be given remedial teaching. Furthermore, drilling and practicing in the real situations or in local community will enable students to see and learn things in various aspects including learning to be a tolerant person.

4) Improving students’ attitudes towards learning and creating a happy learning environment. Students are happy and have good attitudes towards learning when they join the interesting and enjoyable learning activities. For example, they are allowed to sing, ask questions, do things they want to do, experience exciting learning, search for knowledge by themselves, and practice and work with their teacher. Therefore, the teacher should present various learning activities, give time and opportunity to students, teach with a planned sequence, be composed and do not force students to learn too quickly. In addition, the teacher should take care, facilitate, give advice, and be kind and friendly to their students.  

5) Arousing students’ interests and stimulating students’ participation. Decorating the classroom to make students feel that they are in a real situation, make teaching and learning more lively. The use of novel learning activities to keep students involved and informing students about the importance of the topic to be learned can make students excited and interested in learning. As a result, students have better learning.

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How to Cite
เบ็ญคาร ป., กาญจนะ ณ., บัวแก้ว จ., ปวงสุข ภ., ชัญณรงค์ เ., อุทัยรัตน์ อ., สมบูรณ์พงษ์ ก., วัฒนทินโชติ เ., ชัยวรากรณ์ ณ., ชัยกิจ น., & สิทธิจันทร์ เ. (2015). Body of Knowledge and Concepts on Learning Management from Thai Teacher TV. Journal of Industrial Education, 14(2), 687–694. Retrieved from
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