EasyCare - The Management System for Chronic Heart Failure: A Case Study from Advanced Heart Failure Clinic at King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital

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Chaiyawut Sookplang
Vajirasak Vanijja


- Nowadays, chronic heart failure (CHF) is one paradigm of chronic diseases that is one of the most challenging health problems in many healthcare organizations. The management system called EasyCare was designed to improve the treatment of chronic heart failure by facilitating the patients to report their condition to care specialists at the hospital via telephone. The EasyCare system was developed to match with the requirements from the care specialists at Advanced Heart Failure Clinic at King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital for proving three telecommunication services; SMS, Website, and IVR system. The system aims to provide health care support for chronic heart failure patients form telephones that widely use today. This study has three objectives; first is to develop systematic long term care services for the elderly with the use of ICT, second is to study an effective intervention of telephones as a part of the management system for the elderly, and third is to provide home healthcare support with effective interface between home and clinic. This study is a preliminary study of the management system to show the possibility of using the ICT to support health care services for chronic diseases in Thailand in the future.

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How to Cite
C. Sookplang and V. Vanijja, “EasyCare - The Management System for Chronic Heart Failure: A Case Study from Advanced Heart Failure Clinic at King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital”, JIST, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 9–15, Dec. 2013.
Research Article: Soft Computing (Detail in Scope of Journal)


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