The Using of Game-Based Learning for Promote Mathematics Process Skills of 6th Grade Students

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ลดาวัลย์ แย้มครวญ
ศุภกฤษฏิ์ นิวัฒนากูล


- This research aims to use the game-based learning to promote mathematics process skills for 6th grade. The sample is divided into the experimental group or normal learning group, integrated with game-based learning and the control group or normal learning group. The sample size is 30 students for each group. The experimental data are collected from the mathematical process skills test. There are five differences in mathematics process skills: 1) problem solving, 2) reasoning, 3) communication and presentation, 4) linking, and 5) creative. The experimental results indicate that the experimental group has a significantly higher mathematical skills than the control group at the 0.05 level for all skills, and the experimental group has a significantly higher post-test mathematical skills than pre-test at the 0.05 level for all skills.

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How to Cite
แย้มครวญ ล. and นิวัฒนากูล ศ., “The Using of Game-Based Learning for Promote Mathematics Process Skills of 6th Grade Students”, JIST, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 33–41, Jun. 2017.
Research Article: Soft Computing (Detail in Scope of Journal)


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