Social Service Satisfaction Analytic Model On Big Data for Facebook Fanpage

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ทินภัทร บริรักษ์
ธนา สุขวารี
สุขสวัสดี ณัฏฐวุฒิสิทธิ์


- The objective of this research is to develop a model of satisfaction analysis on service system. This research focuses on identifying which service systems have low levels of customer satisfaction. This reflects the fact that the service system is experiencing problems with the service. This research has used Facebook as a source of information to express dissatisfaction with the service. By manipulating, the data from Facebook's unstructured data into a structured form called a frame, before processing the satisfaction model with Linear Combination. The results showed that the accuracy of the model was 87.50%, which is satisfactory.

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How to Cite
บริรักษ์ ท., สุขวารี ธ., and ณัฏฐวุฒิสิทธิ์ ส., “Social Service Satisfaction Analytic Model On Big Data for Facebook Fanpage”, JIST, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 58–71, Jun. 2018.
Research Article: Social and Business Aspects of Convergence IT


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