Living together of Peoples in Multicultural Societies of Thailand : A Case Study of Multicultural Society of Muang District, ChiangMai Province

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Phramaha Mongkholkan Thitadhammo
Khongsarit Pangthrap
Poonsak Kamol


    The research aims (1) To analyze the formality of cohabitation in a multicultural society in the Tha Pae community, Muang district, Chiang Mai (2) To analyze the formality of coherence living in a multicultural society, according to each religion principles. (3) To present the patterns and methods of cohabitation with an appropriate multicultural society for factual Thai people. The researcher used qualitative research by studied from the document, In-depth interview from the experts who provided 9 important persons by analyzing the context commentary explain and description.

     Research results: (1)To study the common principles of people in multicultural society in Thapae Gate, Muang District, Chiang Mai Province which created for people in the community understanding to live with multicultural societies and accept the different concept of cultures, differences in race, language, religion, belief (2) To analyze the appropriate of cohabitation of people in multicultural societies according to each religion principles that are cohabitation of the Buddhist community is to preserve the five precepts, speak gently, no discrimination in the community, and make oneself as the useful person in community instead of Christian community Promotes open development of each community to equal societies that everyone in the society turns to understand the differences and interested to learn the differences with an existing knowledge. (3) The cohabitation in Multicultural Society of Thailand: A Case Study of Multicultural Society in Muang District, Chiangmai Province is present the patterns and methods of cohabitation of people in the multicultural society for Thai society is concrete in the Buddhist community, promote youth and people around the temple. The Christian community is promoting the recognition of the differences in thought as well as the positive attitude of being together. This will result in cohabitation in diverse communities.

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How to Cite
Thitadhammo, P. M. ., K. . Pangthrap, and P. . Kamol. “Living Together of Peoples in Multicultural Societies of Thailand : A Case Study of Multicultural Society of Muang District, ChiangMai Province”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 6, no. 2, Nov. 2019, pp. 46-59,
Research Articles


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