The Model of School Administrative using Information and Communication Technology for Secondary School in21st Century

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Pitawan Netthong
Saythit Yafu
Teeppipat Suntawan


The purpose of this study was to develop the model of school administrative using information and communication technology for secondary school in 21st century with the following objectives: 1) to survey and synthesize the component of school administrative using information and communication technology for secondary school in 21st century, 2) to create and examine the model of school administrative using information and communication technology for secondary school in 21st century and  3) to evaluate the model and guide of school administrative using information and communication technology for secondary school in 21st century. The research was employed in three stages, namely survey and synthesize the component of school administrative using information and communication technology for secondary school in 21st century, create and examine the model of school administrative using information and communication technology for secondary school in 21st century and evaluate the model and guide of school administrative using information and communication technology for secondary school in 21st century.

          The results showed that 1)Components of the school management by using information and communication technology of secondary school in the 21st century consists of 9 components: 1.1) ICT  Infrastructure and Resources 1.2) Leadership 1.3) ICT strategic planning  1.4) Create a culture of ICT  1.5) Encourage teachers to use ICT, Improve ICT competency and join ICT learning community 1.6) Encourage students to use ICT, Improve ICT competency and join ICT learning community  1.7) Create a network of joint development of ICT 1.8) Monitoring and evaluate of ICT 1.9) ICT learning community and competency expertise in ICT of students, teachers, administrators, and ICT learning community networks. 2) The Model of School Administrative using Information and Communication Technology for Secondary School in 21st Century consists of four main components: 2.1) Input  2.2) Process  2.3) Output  2.4) Feedback, and the result of examination of the model found that it was high quality in terms of feasibility, utility, propriety and accuracy.  3) The result of evaluation of the model found that it was high quality in terms of feasibility, utility, propriety and accuracy.

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How to Cite
Netthong, P. ., S. Yafu, and T. Suntawan. “The Model of School Administrative Using Information and Communication Technology for Secondary School in21st Century”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 6, no. 2, Nov. 2019, pp. 217-34,
Research Articles


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