A Comparison Between Scientific and Buddhist Truths of the Birth and Development of Human Life in the Womb

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Supakanchana Vichanati
Watchara Ngamchitcharoen


This research article is aimed to make a comparative study of the birth and development of human beings in the womb according to Buddhism and science. The study found that causes and conditions of human conception, gestational age, parents’ sexual intercourse within the scope of 7 days, beginning period of the development of human beings and sequence of the development of the birth of human beings in the womb are similar as far as the physical factors and timing are concerned. Their Difference or what is absent in the scientific data involves the abstract entity, i.e. gandhabba or rebirth consciousness as well as  the truths of psychic law and the law of Karma

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How to Cite
Vichanati, S. . . . . ., and . W. Ngamchitcharoen. “A Comparison Between Scientific and Buddhist Truths of the Birth and Development of Human Life in the Womb”. Mahachula Academic Journal, vol. 6, no. 2, Nov. 2019, pp. 1-16, https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMA/article/view/209379.
Research Articles


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