People's attitude in local elections Case study of Khun Thale Subdistrict Mueang District, Surat Thani Province

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สุพัฒพงศ์ แย้มอิ่ม
ไชยวัฒน์ เผือกคง
พิสิฐ นิลเอก


From the results of the study of people's attitudes in local elections Case study of Khun Thale Subdistrict, Mueang District, Surat Thani Province The objective of the qualitative research is to collect data in an in-depth interview to study the attitudes of the people in the local elections, a total of 20 people. Found that the sample population the attitude of people in all aspects is as follows: opinions about the election people think that elections are important to the people and the development of the country. Including living in the daily lives of people the right to use the right to vote most people see and pay attention to the right to vote. Election voting most people commented that all people have equal rights and freedoms In which each election must have people who use the right to vote Regarding the election decision, most people have the opinion that they should choose a person who has more knowledge and ability than choosing their own relatives. The guidelines for promoting elections Promote family members to exercise their rights in elections.

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How to Cite
แย้มอิ่ม ส., เผือกคง ไ., & นิลเอก พ. (2019). People’s attitude in local elections Case study of Khun Thale Subdistrict Mueang District, Surat Thani Province. MCU Haripunchai Review, 3(1), 10–19. Retrieved from
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