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กันต์กวินต์ ทัดทาน


   This research article need to study the concepts of beliefs about Deva that influence Lanna society. The objective of the research is to study the Deva in the scriptures and influence of the belief about Deva in Lanna society. The study found that the meaning of Devas in Buddhism are those who live in heaven. The emergence of the Devas depends on their merit that has been committed .However, Deva can also be extinguished from heaven if the merit or life in the heaven is already depleted. In addition, Buddhism divides Deva into three categories, Sommutthithep, Aubatthithep and Visutthithep. The basic virtues that Deva need is conscience. That concept of belief in Deva that appears in Thai society was influenced by beliefs from ancestors in ancient times which comes from the evolution of spiritual beliefs in nature. This causes belief in the spirit of deuce, goddess nymphs, in accordance with the principles of traditional beliefs and Hindu Brahmanism therefore creating relationships in each society, In Lanna influenced from Deva by various aspects, including: 1. Traditions and rituals such as sacrifice to The Four deva of Heaven.    2. Literary aspects, such as Jataka spells, Introduction to offering sacrifice. 3. Fine arts such as wall art work or Stucco sculpture. 4. Faith, such as vowing and blessing.

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How to Cite
ทัดทาน ก. (2019). BELIEF IN DEVA IN LANNA SOCIETY. MCU Haripunchai Review, 3(1), 1–9. Retrieved from
Research Article


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